Aleš Zamuda

Naziv: | Izredni profesor |
Dosežena izobrazba: | {dr., mag., univ. dipl. inž.} rač. in inf. |
Prostor: | F-204 |
Govorilne ure: | Petek, 13-15 |
Telefon: | +386 (2) 22 07 404 |
E-pošta: | |
Spletna stran: | |
Aleš Zamuda je diplomiral leta 2006, magistriral leta 2008 in doktoriral leta 2012 na študijskih programih računalništvo in informatika na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Univerze v Mariboru. Zaposlen je na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Univerze v Mariboru. Deluje znotraj raziskovalne skupine Laboratorija za računalniške arhitekture in jezike ter programske skupine Računalniški sistemi, metodologije in inteligentne storitve. Njegova interesna področja zajemajo evolucijske algoritme, večkriterijsko optimizacijo, umetno življenje in računalniško animacijo. Objavil je več kot 30 znanstvenih prispevkov, izbrane tudi v zgornji četrtini znanstvenih revij na področju računalništva, kot sta Applied Soft Computing in Information Sciences ter prejel številne citate znanstvenih del. Programiral je od pričetka osnovne šole in od takrat prejel številne nacionalne in mednarodne nagrade, kot je mednarodna nagrada IEEE R8 SPC 2007 za diplomsko delo in zlata medalja za inovacijo iz področja disertacije v Seulu leta 2012. Njegova biografija je uvrščena v Marquis Who is Who in the World, je tudi Senior Member član IEEE in član IEEE CIS. Je pisec recenzij za najbolj priznane znanstvene revije na področju računalništva, kot je IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation in več kot 40 ostalih. Sodeloval je v več kot sedemdeset programskih in tehničnih komitejih na mednarodnih konferencah, vključno s CEC od leta 2007 v Singapurju. Je tudi urednik pri reviji Swarm and Evolutionary Computation iz kakovostnega razreda JCR Q1.
Predmet (eŠtudij) | Učni načrt ( | Letnik | Program |
Računanje v oblaku | Opis | 1. | R-IT (MAG) |
Računalniške arhitekture | Opis | 2. | R-IT (UN) |
Operacijske raziskave logističnih, transportnih in ekonomskih sistemov | Opis | 1. | R-IT (DR) |
Raziskovalni projekti
- Mednarodni (član upravnega odbora): CA COST Action CA15140: Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice (ImAppNIO)
- Mednarodni (član upravnega odbora): ICT COST Action IC1406: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)
- Mednarodni: SmartVillages – Smart digital transformation of villages in the Alpine Space
- Slovenski (raziskovalni program, raziskovalec): P2-0041: Računalniški sistemi, metodologije in inteligentne storitve (v angleščini: Computer Systems, Methodologies, and Intelligent Services)
- Slovenski (gospodarstvo, 2017, vodja projekta, koordinator in mentor): Interaktivni multimedijski oglasni panoji – Adin DS : nadgradnja transformacijskega strežnika, gradnikov prikaza in trženja – IMOPADS (v angleščini: Interactive Multimedia Bulletin Boards – Adin DS: Upgrading the Transformation Server, Display Widgets, and Marketing Structures)
- Slovenski (gospodarstvo, 2015, koordinator in mentor): Dodajanje novih prodajnih poti in uvedba nove tehnologije označevanja pošiljk (v angleščini: Adding new sales routes and the introduction of a new labeling shipments technology)
- Slovenski (gospodarstvo, 2015, koordinator in mentor): Izdelava modela za prikaz delovanja APS sistema na testnih podatkih obravnavanega podjetja (v angleščini: Developing a model for the demonstration of the APS system on the test data of the company)
- UM: FL, FERI; RECA d.o.o.
Urednik mednarodnih recenziranih znansvenih revij
Odgovorni urednik (Associate Editor)

Odgovorni urednik pri reviji (Associate Editor): Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (ISSN: 2210-6502)
Gostujoči odgovorni urednik (Guest Associate Editor)
(pdf) A. Zamuda. (gostujoči odgovorni urednik). Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2016, letn. Computational Intelligence section. BibTeX (pdf) A. Zamuda. (gostujoči odgovorni urednik). Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2016. BibTeX

(pdf) J. Šilc, A. Zamuda (gostujoča odgovorna urednika). Special Issue on “Bioinspired Optimization” (guest editors). Informatica – An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 2015, letn. 39, št. 2, str. 1-122.
Gostujoči odgovorni urednik (Guest Associate Editor)

(pdf) D. Gleich, P. Planinšič, A. Zamuda. 2018 25th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP). IEEE Xplore, Maribor, 20-22 June 2018.
- Danubius Young Scientist, 2016
- najpomembnejši znanstveni rezultat leta 2011 v programski skupini P2-0041 Računalniški sistemi, metodologije in inteligentne storitve
- zlata medalja na: Mednarodni sejem inovacij SIIF 2012 (Seul, Koreja)
- nagrada Univerze v Mariboru za raziskovalno delo (nagrada Andreja Perlacha) – ob Rektorjevem dnevu Univerze v Mariboru 2008 (priznanje)
- tri priznanja FERI za znanstveno raziskovalno delo – ob dnevu fakultete FERI 2006 (priznanje), dnevu fakultete FERI 2007 (6.12.2007, priznanje) in Dnevu FERI 2008 (4.12.2008)
- spominsko darilo ministrice MVZT za vidne rezultate na mednarodnih tekmovanjih ob sprejemu za študente, vodstva univerz in fakultet ter javnih raziskovalnih zavodov
- uvrstitve na IEEE CEC svetovnih tekmovanjih ocene kakovosti evolucijskih algoritmov (Top 5, večkrat 2007-2010),
- zmaga na tekmovanju študentskih referatov ERK ’06 (potrdilo) in nato sprejetje (2. mar 2007) med 5 najboljših za nastop na tekmovanju IEEE Regije 8 (Evropa, Afrika, Bližnji vzhod), ki je bilo na Poljskem, od 9. do 12. septembra 2007, (novica iz IEEE strani)
- prva nagrada in zlata plaketa na natečaju za najbolj inventivni in podjetniško usmerjeni projekt Eureka! mladi 2008, Ljubljana, 22. 10. 2008
Recenzent pri znanstevnih revijah

- Profil recenzenta na Publons
- Institution Winners, Top Reviewers for University of Maribor (Computer Science) – September 2017
- Top 1% in Field, Top Reviewers for Computer Science – September 2017
- Top 1% in Field, Top Reviewers for Mathematics – September 2017
Recenzent pri znanstvenih revijah
Recenzent za recije, večinoma z visokim faktorjem citiranja (JCR)
- Acta polytechnica Hungarica. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2017). Budapest: Bp. Tech Polytech. Inst. ISSN 1785-8860. COBISS.SI-ID 10351126
- Applied soft computing. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2013-2017). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001-. ISSN 1568-4946. COBISS.SI-ID 16080679
- Computational intelligence and neuroscience. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2017). [New York]: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2006-. ISSN 1687-5265. COBISS.SI-ID 22914534
- Expert systems with applications. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2017). [Print ed.]. Oxford: Pergamon, 1990-. ISSN 0957-4174. COBISS.SI-ID 171291
- IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2007-2017). [Print ed.]. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997-. ISSN 1089-778X. COBISS.SI-ID 16940805
- Information sciences. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2011-2017). [Print ed.]. New York: North-Holland, 1968-. ISSN 0020-0255. COBISS.SI-ID 25613056
- Journal of computational methods in sciences and engineering. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2017). Cambridge: Cambridge International Science; Amsterdam; Washington, DC; Tokyo: IOS Press. ISSN 1472-7978. COBISS.SI-ID 513955865
- Neural computing & applications. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014, 2016-2017). London: Springer, 1993-. ISSN 0941-0643. COBISS.SI-ID 1607958
- Swarm and evolutionary computation. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2011-2017). Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 2210-6502. COBISS.SI-ID 16140310
- Applied energy. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2015, 2016). London: Applied Science Publishers, 1975-. ISSN 0306-2619. COBISS.SI-ID 5134599
- Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2010, 2011, 2015-2016). [Print ed.]. Swansea: Pineridge Press, 1988-. ISSN 0952-1976. COBISS.SI-ID 25396224
- European journal of operational research. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2013, 2016). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977-. ISSN 0377-2217. COBISS.SI-ID 25430272
- IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2016). [Print ed.]. New York (NY): Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2004-. ISSN 1545-5955. COBISS.SI-ID 4318036
- IEEE transactions on cybernetics. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2013-2016). [Print ed.]. New York (NY): Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013-. ISSN 2168-2267. COBISS.SI-ID 519112729
- Karbala international journal of modern science. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2016). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015-. COBISS.SI-ID 22476040
- Memetic computing. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2012, 2016). Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer. ISSN 1865-9292. COBISS.SI-ID 518445081
- Natural computing. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2015-2016). Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 1567-7818. COBISS.SI-ID 512120857
- Neurocomputing. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2016). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1989-. ISSN 0925-2312. COBISS.SI-ID 172315
- Soft computing. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2013, 2015-2016). [Print ed.]. Heidelberg: Springer, 1997-. ISSN 1432-7643. COBISS.SI-ID 11144982
- Applied mathematical modelling. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2015). [Print ed.]. Guildford, Surrey: Butterworth Scientific Ltd, 1976-. ISSN 0307-904X. COBISS.SI-ID 24983552
- IEEE transactions on industrial electronics. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2009, 2013, 2015). [Print ed.]. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1982-. ISSN 0278-0046. COBISS.SI-ID 8726789
- International Journal of Biodeversity and Conservation. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014-2015). [Online ed.]. Lagos: Academic Journals, 2009-. ISSN 2141-243X. COBISS.SI-ID 17688342
- Mathematical problems in engineering. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2015). [Print ed.]. New York: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 1995-. ISSN 1024-123X. COBISS.SI-ID 12769113
- Remote sensing. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2015). [Online ed.]. Basel: Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2009-. ISSN 2072-4292. COBISS.SI-ID 32345133
- African journal of business management. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). [Nairobi]: Academic Journals, 2006-. ISSN 1993-8233. COBISS.SI-ID 13846550
- Applied mathematics and computation. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). [Print ed.]. New York: Elsevier, 1975-. ISSN 0096-3003. COBISS.SI-ID 24983808
- Computational optimization and applications. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2013-2014). [Print ed.]. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992-. ISSN 0926-6003. COBISS.SI-ID 2714713
- Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). [Print ed.]. New Delhi: National Institute of Science Communication, CSIR., 1994-. ISSN 0971-4588. COBISS.SI-ID 11290390
- Informatica. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2010, 2011, 2014). Ljubljana: Slovene Society Informatika, 1977-. ISSN 0350-5596. COBISS.SI-ID 746244
- Journal of algorithms and optimization. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). [Print ed.]. Hong Kong: World Academic Publishing, 2013-. ISSN 2312-7767. COBISS.SI-ID 18222358
- Journal of Applied Mathematics. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). Cairo: Electronic Publishing House. ISSN 1110-757X. COBISS.SI-ID 12354137
- Journal of computers. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). Oulu: 2006-. ISSN 1796-203X. COBISS.SI-ID 21351719
- Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2014). Delta: New Ogorode Road. ISSN 2006-9847. COBISS.SI-ID 17998870
- IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B. Cybernetics. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013). [Print ed.]. New York (NY): Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1996-2012. ISSN 1083-4419. COBISS.SI-ID 16640005
- IEEE computational intelligence magazine. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2012). [Print ed.]. New York (NY): IEEE, 2006-. ISSN 1556-603X. COBISS.SI-ID 56338177
- Journal of software engineering and applications. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2012). [Petaluma, CA]: Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., 2008-. ISSN 1945-3116. COBISS.SI-ID 515574041
- International Journal of Systems Science. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2010, 2011). London: Taylor & Francis. ISSN 0020-7721. COBISS.SI-ID 25657856
- Journal of industrial and management optimization. Zamuda, Aleš (reviewer 2008). Springfield, Mo.: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2005-. ISSN 1547-5816. COBISS.SI-ID 12967190
Recenzent konferečnih zbornikov
Recenzent za mednarodne znanstvene kongrese, član programskih komitejev:
- AR4MET (Bali: 2015; Batam: 2016): Advanced Research in Material Sciences, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Technology International Conference
- BIOMA (Ljubljana: 2014, 2016): International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications
- CEC (Singapore: 2007; Hong Kong: 2008; Trondheim: 2009; Barcelona: 2010; New Orleans: 2011; Vancouver: 2016): IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
- CSOC (Zlin: 2015; Prague: 2016): Computer Science On-line Conference
- ERK (Portorose: 2010, 2016): Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference
- EUROGEN (Glasgow: 2015; Madrid: 2017): International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems
- FABE (Mykonos Island: 2015): International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering
- FUTURECOMP (Venice: 2014; Nice: 2015; Rome: 2016): International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
- IACIET (Jaipur: 2014): International Conference on “Innovations in Engineering & Technology”
- ICACCI (Greater Noida: 2014; Aluva: 2015; Jaipur: 2016): International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics
- ICAISC (Zakopane: 2014, 2015, 2016): International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
- ICCME (Athens: 2015): International Conference on Computing in Mechanical Engineering
- ICEM (Rome: 2010; Marseille: 2012): International Conference on Electrical Machines
- ICIA (Pillaichavadi: 2016): International Conference on Informatics and Analytics
- ICIT (Dubai: 2014): [ScienceOne International Conference on Information Technology]
- ICOA (2015): International Conference on Oceanic and Atmospheric
- IPIC (Orlando: 2015): Symposium on Enabling an Intelligent Planet via Informatics and Cybernetics
- ISNN (Saint Petersburg: 2016): International Symposium on Neural Networks
- PPSN (Ljubljana: 2014; Edinburgh: 2016): International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature
- SASO FAS*W SOCO (Augsburg, 2016): IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO) – International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self-* Systems (FAS*W) – International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction (SOCO)
- SEMCCO (Chennai: 2010, 2011): International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Computing
- SIRS (Trivandrum: 2015): International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems
- SPICES (Kozhikode: 2015): IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems
- SSCI SDE (Paris: 2011; Singapore: 2013; Orlando: 2014; Cape Town: 2015): IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Symposium on Differential Evolution
- WMSCI (Orlando: 2015, 2016): World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics
Druga sekundarna avtorsta
- predsednik in urednik sekcije Umetna inteligenca, IEEE ERK 2010
- urednik odbora Computer Science and Informatics ter predsednik sekcije Algorithms, IEEE ERK 2017
- izbran ekspert za rangiranje univerz, pri: QS University Ranking: 2015, 2016, 2017
- mentorstvo pri diplomskih delih na študijskih programih Inštituta za računalništvo
- Napredujoča spletna aplikacija za digitalno sporočanje (Dejan Rupnik, 2017, VS R-IT)
- Paralelna diferencialna evolucija in načrtovanje prilagodljive krožne antenske skupine (Matic Rues, 2016, UNI RI)
- somentorstvo pri diplomskih delih na študijskih programih Inštituta za računalništvo
- Sistem za upravljanje vsebin MediaWiki (Nejc Kete, 2012)
- Strganje besedila iz spletnih mest s poizvedbami AJAX (Mitja Gerič, 2012)
- Aplikacija za nadzor procesov in uporabnikov z ogrodjem CodeIgniter (Roman Šuster, 2012)
- Izdelava spletljaja za Kolab in Sharepoint 2010 (Denis Kukovič, 2011)
- Optimizacija s čebelami (Boštjan Brenčič, 2011)
- Aplikacija za prikaz sledenja vozil na operacijskem sistemu iOS (Tilen Mlinar, 2011)
- Umetna inteligenca za simulacijo vožnje avtomobila po dirkalni progi (Lovro Rojko, 2011)
- Optimizacija medatomskega potenciala Lennard-Jones s paralelno diferencialno evolucijo (Aleš Čep, 2011)
- Vizualizacija stavb s programskima vmesnikoma Google Maps in Google Earth (Boris Rebselj, 2010)
- Spletni založniški sistem “JOOMLA!” (Aleš Pajnik, 2010)
- Problem simetričnega trgovskega potnika in optimizacija z genetskimi algoritmi (Janko Juršič, 2010)
- Paralelno programiranje s pomočjo standarda OpenMP (Nace Štruc, 2010)
- Klici oddaljenih spletnih storitev in spletni založniški sistem (Danijel Ostojić, 2010)
- Iskanje in vizualizacija poti na morju (Jan Bezget, 2010)
Članstvo v organizacijah
- član IEEE (Senior Member)
- član IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- član ACM
- član delavnic Algoritmi po vzorih iz narave in Slovenskega društva za umetno inteligenco
Mednarodni obiski v tujini
- Technical University of Ostrava (Ostrava, Češka) – junij-september 2017
- Czech Technical University (Praga, Češka) – junij 2017
- Conference IEEE CEC 2017: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017 (Donostia – San Sebastián, Španija, 5-8 June 2017)
- University of Chemistry and Technology, Praga, Češka – maj 2017
- MC meting on project COST cHiPSet in Palermo (High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications), 27.3.2017
- Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom), February-March 2017, COST mobility and a lecture
- ImAppNIO COST Action CA15140 – Workshop and 2nd Management Committee Meeting, 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romunija
- Ghent University, 2016, Gent, Belgija
- Predavanje_na_UTB_ERASMUS_TS_Mobility_2016, Zlin, Češka
- WCCI 2016, Vancouver, Kanada
- Predavanje na ULPGC ERASMUS TS Mobility 2016, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Španija
- Predavanje na University of Iceland, NFM TS Mobility 2016, Reykjavik, Islandija
- IBS Workshop on Methods for Self-Organizing Distributed Systems (MeSoDiSy) 2015, Laubusch, Nemčija
- Fifteenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2015), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Španija
- Predavanje na ULPGC ERASMUS TS Mobility 2015, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Španija
- Predavanje na UA ERASMUS TS Mobility 2013, Alicante, Španija
- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Španija, vabljeno predavanje na ULPGC, 2013
- COST YR Forum in Forest-based Platform Technology Congress 2013, Barcelona, Španija (11.-14. marec 2013)
- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Španija, vabljeno predavanje na ULPGC, 2012
- Zakopane, Poljska, konferenca ICAISC, 2012
- Trondheim, Norveška, kongres IEEE CEC, 2009
- Singapur, kongres IEEE CEC, 2007
- Varšava, Poljska, konferenca EUROCON, 2007
Raziskovalna področja
- Krajša predstavitev: sodelovanje v raziskovalni skupini
- Večkriterijska optimizacija in evolucijski algoritmi
- Umetno življenje in računalniška animacija (progam EcoMod)
- Modeliranje dreves: morfološka 3D rekonstrukcija iz več pogledov, računalniški vid
- Oceanografija in robotika: navigacija za robotske podvodne sonde
- Energija: razporejanje proizvodnje energije v elektrarnah
Tehnološka znanja
- programski jeziki C, C++, C# (ASP.NET), Java (Eclipse, JBuilder), Objective C, Delphi, PHP, Lisp, Haskell, Python, Ruby
- spletne tehnologije HTML, CSS, XHTML, RSS, Web 2.0, ECMAScript
- orodja Qt4, Win32 API, MySQL,
- pisarniška orodja OpenOffice.Org (Writer, Calc, Presentation), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), LaTeX, programiranje PDF
- Linux, BSD, KDE, GNOME
- CMS: MediaWiki, Joomla, Moodle
- OpenGL, UI v igrah, evolucijski optimizacijski algoritmi, algoritmi v bioinformatiki
- Unix (Linux in Mac OS X) administracija: bash, awk, sed, iptables, apache, varnost
Pretekli projekti
- Igre na plošči s popolno informacijo (šah QuTeChess – 2004, Reversi GUI & agent DLL – 2003, štiri v vrsto – 1994 (v osnovni šoli)) in nepopolno informacijo (šnops – 1996), arkadne igre (BlowUp, Kolo Sreče) in razne druge igre
- Genetski algoritmi za uglaševanje iger s popolno informacijo (matefind — pdf, koda – 2003)
- Porazdeljen sistem za zbiranje RSS novic (2005)
- Tečaji Linux/UNIX
- druga interesna področja: računalniška varnost, linux, Mac OS X
Članstvo v notranjih delovnih komisijah
- član komisije za založniško dejavnost FERI, od 2016
- član komisije za promocijo študija na FERI, od 2007
- predsednik centralne popisne komisije na FERI, 2009
Dogodki in druge aktivnosti
- AVN IJS’2007
- BIOMA 2010
- CeBIT 2007
- COST YR Forum in Forest-based Platform Technology Congress 2013
- Dan fakultete ’06
- EcoMod
- Konference IEEE: EUROCON 2007, CEC 2007, WCCI 2008, CEC 2009, WCCI 2010, ERK 2010 in 2011, CEC 2012, CEC 2013
- Mednarodni sejem inovacij SIIF 2012
- Predavanje na ULPGC ERASMUS TS Mobility 2012 in 2013
- Predstavitev: EcoMod screencast
- Predstavitev svojih raziskav in predstavitev trenutnih raziskovalnih problemov (2012)
- QuTeChess
- Rektorjev dan UM 2013
- Symposium on Swarm Intelligence and Differential Evolution (SIDE 2012)
- Slovenski forum inovacij 2008
- Srečanje uporabnikov in administratorjev SLING
- VIPSI-2006 Slovenia
- Zagovor magistrskega dela (Aleš Zamuda)
- Zagovor doktorske disertacije (Aleš Zamuda)
- Zimska počitniška šola – Tečaj Linux-a
Znanstvene objave
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing and Fuzzy and Neural Computing: 7th International Conference, SEMCCO 2019, and 5th International Conference, FANCCO 2019, Maribor, Slovenia, July 10–12, 2019, Revised Selected Papers Book
Springer Nature, 2020.
Differential Evolution and Large-Scale Optimization Applications Journal Article
In: IGI Global, InfoSci-Videos, vol. ??, iss. ??, pp. ??, 2019.
A black-box discrete optimization benchmarking (BB-DOB) pipeline survey: taxonomy, evaluation, and ranking Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO 2018), pp. 1777-1782, 2018.
Differential Evolution and Systems, Signals, and Image Processing – Tutorial Proceedings Article
In: 2018 25th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), pp. 1-28, 2018.
Differential Evolution for Evolutionary Computation Challenges: examples from tree growth, energy scheduling, and deep ocean underwater robotics – Tutorial Proceedings Article
In: 24th International Conference on Soft Computing, pp. 1-1, 2018.
On Tenfold Execution Time in Real World Optimization Problems with Differential Evolution in Perspective of Algorithm Design Proceedings Article
In: 2018 25th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), pp. 1-5, 2018.
Adaptive Constraint Handling and Success History Differential Evolution for CEC 2017 Constrained Real-Parameter Optimization Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 2443–2450, 2017.
Distance based parameter adaptation for differential evolution Proceedings Article
In: 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp. ??, 2017.
Insight into Parameter Control During Evolution Bachelor Thesis
Stability selection using a genetic algorithm and logistic linear regression on healthcare records Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO 2017), pp. 143-144, 2017.
Constrained Differential Evolution Optimization for Underwater Glider Path Planning in Sub-mesoscale Eddy Sampling Journal Article
In: Applied Soft Computing, vol. 42, iss. ??, pp. 93-118, 2016.
Improving Constrained Glider Trajectories for Ocean Eddy Border Sampling within Extended Mission Planning Time Proceedings Article
In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2016, pp. 1727-1734, 2016.
Success Clusters in Differential Evolution Proceedings Article
In: IEEE SSCI2016 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, December 6-9, 2016, Athens, Greece, pp. ??, 2016.
Tiled EvoLisa Image Evolution With Blending Triangle Brushstrokes and Gene Compression DE Proceedings Article
In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2016, pp. 2618-2625, 2016.
Differential Evolution Control Parameters Study for Self-Adaptive Triangular Brushstrokes Journal Article
In: Informatica – An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 105-113, 2015.
Self-adaptive control parameters' randomization frequency and propagations in differential evolution Journal Article
In: Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 25, iss. ??, pp. 72-99, 2015, ((Special Issue on Recent Advances in Modern Nature-Inspired Algorithms, RAMONA)).
Short-term combined economic and emission hydrothermal optimization by surrogate differential evolution Journal Article
In: Applied Energy, vol. 141, iss. ??, pp. 42-56, 2015.
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