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System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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rows (talk) (Translate) Rows:
rss-deprecated-wgrssallowedfeeds-found (talk) (Translate) The deprecated variable <var>$wgRSSAllowedFeeds</var> has been detected. Since RSS version 2.0 this variable has to be replaced by <var>$wgRSSUrlWhitelist</var> as described in the manual page [ Extension:RSS].
rss-desc (talk) (Translate) Displays RSS feeds on MediaWiki pages in a standard or in user-definable formats using template pages
rss-empty (talk) (Translate) Failed to load RSS feed from $1!
rss-empty-whitelist (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not in the whitelist of allowed feeds. There are no allowed feed URLs in the whitelist.
rss-error (talk) (Translate) Failed to load RSS feed from $1: $2
rss-feed (talk) (Translate) <!-- the following are two alternative templates. The first is the basic default template for feeds -->; '''<span class='plainlinks'>[{{{link}}} {{{title}}}]</span>''' : {{{description}}} : {{{author}}} {{{date}}}<!-- don't use newline here --><!-- The second is an improved version which requires Extension:ParserFunctions --><!-- ; '''<span class='plainlinks'>[{{{link}}} {{{title}}}]</span>'''{{#if: {{{description|}}}|: {{{description}}}}}{{#if: {{{author|}}} | {{#if: {{{date|}}} |: — {{{author}}} {{{date}}}}} | {{#if: {{{author|}}}|: — {{{author}}}}} {{#if: {{{date|}}}|:{{{date}}}}}|}} -->
rss-fetch-nourl (talk) (Translate) Fetch called without a URL!
rss-invalid-url (talk) (Translate) Not a valid URL: $1
rss-item (talk) (Translate) {{$1 | title = {{{title}}} | link = {{{link}}} | date = {{{date}}} | author = {{{author}}} | description = {{{description}}} }}
rss-ns-permission (talk) (Translate) RSS is not allowed in this namespace.
rss-parse-error (talk) (Translate) Error parsing XML for RSS
rss-tracking-category (talk) (Translate) Pages with RSS feeds
rss-tracking-category-desc (talk) (Translate) The page has an RSS feed.
rss-url-is-not-whitelisted (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not in the whitelist of allowed feeds. {{PLURAL:$3|$2 is the only allowed feed|The allowed feeds are as follows: $2}}.
sat (talk) (Translate) Sat
saturday (talk) (Translate) Saturday
saturday-at (talk) (Translate) Saturday at $1
savearticle (talk) (Translate) Save page
savechanges (talk) (Translate) Save changes
savedprefs (talk) (Translate) Your preferences have been saved.
savedrights (talk) (Translate) The user rights of {{GENDER:$1|$1}} have been saved.
savefile (talk) (Translate) Save file
saveprefs (talk) (Translate) Save
saveusergroups (talk) (Translate) Save {{GENDER:$1|user}} groups
scarytranscludedisabled (talk) (Translate) [Interwiki transcluding is disabled]
scarytranscludefailed (talk) (Translate) [Template fetch failed for $1]
scarytranscludefailed-httpstatus (talk) (Translate) [Template fetch failed for $1: HTTP $2]
scarytranscludetoolong (talk) (Translate) [URL is too long]
search-category (talk) (Translate) (category $1)
search-error (talk) (Translate) An error has occurred while searching: $1
search-external (talk) (Translate) External search
search-file-match (talk) (Translate) (matches file content)
search-ignored-headings (talk) (Translate) #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # Headings that will be ignored by search. # Changes to this take effect as soon as the page with the heading is indexed. # You can force page reindexing by doing a null edit. # The syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment. # * Every non-blank line is the exact title to ignore, case and everything. References External links See also #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->
search-interwiki-caption (talk) (Translate) Sister projects
search-interwiki-custom (talk) (Translate)  
search-interwiki-default (talk) (Translate) Results from $1:
search-interwiki-more (talk) (Translate) (more)
search-nonefound (talk) (Translate) There were no results matching the query.
search-nonefound-thiswiki (talk) (Translate) There were no results matching the query in this site.
search-redirect (talk) (Translate) (redirect from $1)
search-relatedarticle (talk) (Translate) Related
search-result-category-size (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 member|$1 members}} ({{PLURAL:$2|1 subcategory|$2 subcategories}}, {{PLURAL:$3|1 file|$3 files}})
search-result-size (talk) (Translate) $1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 word|$2 words}})
search-rewritten (talk) (Translate) Showing results for $1. Search instead for $2.
search-section (talk) (Translate) (section $1)
search-showingresults (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$4|Result <strong>$1</strong> of <strong>$3</strong>|Results <strong>$1 - $2</strong> of <strong>$3</strong>}}
search-suggest (talk) (Translate) Did you mean: $1
search-summary (talk) (Translate)  
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