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Bibliography in BibTex format

Revision as of 16:44, 12 January 2007 by Janez (talk | contribs)

  author = "M. Sepesy Mau\v{c}ec and J. Brest and V. \v{Z}umer",
  title = "Statistical Alignment Models in Machine Translation from Slovenian to English",
  journal = "Electrotechnical Review",
  pages = "273-278",
  year= "2006",
  volume = "73",
  number = "5"

  author =       "J. Brest and S. Greiner and B. Bo\v{s}kovi{\' c} and M. Mernik and V. \v{Z}umer",
  title =        "{S}elf-{A}dapting {C}ontrol {P}arameters in {D}ifferential {E}volution: {A} {C}omparative {S}tudy on {N}umerical {B}enchmark {P}roblems",
  journal =      "{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {E}volutionary {C}omputation",
  year =         "2006",
  type =         "Paper",
  volume =       "10",
  number =        "6",
  OPTmonth =      "Dec",
  pages =        "646-657",
  note = "DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2006.872133"

    author = "J.~Brest and B.~Bo\v{s}kovi\'{c} and S.~Greiner and V.~\v{Z}umer and M.~Sepesy Mau\v{c}ec",
    title = "{Performance Comparison of Self-Adaptive and Adaptive Differential
Evolution Algorithms}",
    journal =   "Soft Comput - ONLINE",
    year = "2006",
    note = "Accepted: online 4.7.2006" }

   author = {Janez Brest and Viljem \v{Z}umer and Mirjam Sepesy Mau\v{c}ec},
   booktitle = {Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications},
   pages = {35--44},
   address = {Ljubljana, Slovenia},
   organization = {Jo\v{z}ef Stefan Institute},
   editor = {Bogdan Filipi\v{c} and Jurij \v{S}ilc},
   month = {October},
   title = {Control {P}arameters in {S}elf-{A}daptive {D}ifferential {E}volution},
   year = {2006}

  title =        "{S}elf-adaptive {D}ifferential {E}volution {A}lgorithm in {C}onstrained {R}eal-{P}arameter {O}ptimization",
  author =       "J.~Brest and V.~\v{Z}umer and M.~Sepesy Mau\v{c}ec",
  booktitle =   "The 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
                 Computation CEC2006",
  OPTeditor =   "",
  OPTvolume =      "2",
  pages =    "919--926",
  year =        "2006",
  publisher =   "IEEE Press",
  address =     "",

  author = "I. Pev{s}el and V. \v{Z}umer and J. Brest",
  title = "ACO - Ant Colony Optimization",
  journal = "Electrotechnical Review",
  pages = "93-98",
  year= "2006",
  volume = "73",
  number = "2-3"

  author = "B. Bošković and J. Brest and V. Žumer",
  title = "Objektno orientirano načrtovanje in implementacija računalniškega šaha",
  journal = "Elektrotehniški vestnik",
  pages = "31-37",
  year= "2006",
  volume = "73",
  number = "1"

 author = {Saso Greiner and Damijan Rebernak and Janez Brest and Viljem Zumer},
 title = {Z0 - a tiny experimental language},
 journal = {SIGPLAN Not.},
 volume = {40},
 number = {8},
 year = {2005},
 issn = {0362-1340},
 pages = {19--28},
 doi = {},
 publisher = {ACM Press},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},

  author =       "B. Bošković and S. Greiner and J. Brest and V. Žumer",
  title =        "The Representation of Chess Game",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces",
  pages =        "381--386",
  year =         "2005",

  author =       "B. Bošković and S. Greiner and J. Brest and V. Žumer",
  title =        "Učenje računalniškega šaha z uporabo diferencialne evolucije",
  booktitle =    "Zbornik štirinajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2005",
  pages =        "71--74",
  year =         "2005",