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Difference between revisions of "Chess program BBChess"

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* ''' BBChess (Umko) was completely rewritten and it is published on [ sourceforge] '''
* ''' BBChess (Umko) was completely rewritten and it is published on [ sourceforge] '''
* Current version is '''0.3'''
* Current version is '''0.4'''
== Rating ==
== Rating ==

Revision as of 06:22, 17 January 2010



BBChess is a computer chess engine by Borko Bošković. BBChess version 1.3b has a rating over 2400 ELO points. The engine is Free Open Source Software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License. The program is written in ANSI C programming language with glib library. Program is designed specificity for 64-bit processors.

  • BBChess (Umko) was completely rewritten and it is published on sourceforge
  • Current version is 0.4




Download and extract zip file in specific folder. In graphical user interface choose file bbchess.exe (bbchess). Then select engine BBChess as an active engine. You can download the 5men bitbases and books from Leo Dijksman's WBEC site . Then put them anywhere in your computer. You have to change path in the uci options (BookFile and Bitbases). The egbbdll library (dll or so) must be in the same folder as the bitbase files. For parallel search you have to set uci parameter Threads to number of procesors.

Test results




(pdf) B. Bošković, J. Brest, A. Zamuda, V. Žumer. Ratingiranje pri uglaševanju šahovskega programa z algoritmom diferencialne evolucije. Zbornik sedemnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK, 2008, pp. 103-106. (pdf) B. Bošković, S. Greiner, J. Brest, A. Zamuda, V. Žumer. An Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm with Opposition-Based Mechanisms, Applied to the Tuning of a Chess Program. Advances in Differential Evolution, Studies in Computational Intelligence, (ISBN: 978-3-540-68827-3), Chakraborty, Uday K. (Ed.), 2008, volume 143.

(pdf) B. Bošković, S. Greiner, J. Brest, V. Žumer. Uglaševanje šahovskega programa BBChess z uporabo algoritma diferencialne evolucije. Zbornik šestnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK, 2007, pp. 73-76.

B. Bošković, S. Greiner, J. Brest, V. Žumer. A Differential Evolution for the Tuning of a Chess Evaluation Function. 2006 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2006, pp. 6742-6747.

B. Bošković, J. Brest, V. Žumer. Objektno orientirano načrtovanje in implementacija računalniškega šaha. Elektroteh. vestn., 2006, vol. 1, no. 73, pp. 31-37.

B. Bošković, S. Greiner, J. Brest, V. Žumer. Adaptivni algoritem diferencialne evolucije za uglaševanje parametrov ocenitve funkcije računalniškega šaha. Zbornik petnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK, 2006, pp. 83-86.

B. Bošković, J. Brest. Računalniški šah. Abakus, 2006, pp. 18.

B. Bošković, S. Greiner, J. Brest, V. Žumer. The Representation of Chees Ggame. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 2005, pp. 381-386.

B. Bošković, S. Greiner, J. Brest, V. Žumer. Učenje računalniškega šaha z uporabo algoritma diferencialne evolucije. Zbornik štirinajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK, 2005, pp. 71-74.

B. Bošković. Analiza algoritma za igranje šaha. Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, 2005, pp. 1-23.

B. Bošković. Implementacija računalniškega šaha: diplomska naloga univerzitetnega študijskega programa. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, 2004.