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Bibliografija:SprejeteObjave: Razlika med redakcijama

(70 vmesnih redakcij 3 uporabnikov ni prikazanih)
Vrstica 1: Vrstica 1:
=== Mednarodne objave ===
=== Mednarodne objave ===
{{cite |
  authors = J. Brest, P. Korošec, J. Šilc, A. Zamuda, B. Bošković, M. S. Maučec |
  title = Differential evolution and differential ant-stigmergy on dynamic optimisation problems |
  url = |
  journal = International Journal of Systems Science |
  year = Available online: 26 Sep 2011 |
  pages = ?? |
  volume = ?? |
  issue = ?? |
  doi = 10.1080/00207721.2011.617899 |
  citetype = Article |
  name = BrestIJSS2011 |
{{cite |
  authors = J. Brest, B. Bošković, A. Zamuda, I. Fister, M. Sepesy Maučec |
  title = Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm with a Small and Varying Population Size |
  url = |
  journal =  2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2012), Brisbane, Australia |
  year = 2012 |
  pages = ?? |
  volume = ?? |
  issue = ??  |
  citetype = InProceedings |
  name = BrestWCCI2012 |
{{cite |
  authors = A. Zamuda, J. Brest |
  title = Tree Model Reconstruction Innovization Using Multi-objective Differential Evolution |
  url = |
  journal =  2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2012), Brisbane, Australia |
  year = 2012 |
  pages = ?? |
  volume = ?? |
  issue = ??  |
  citetype = InProceedings |
  name = ZamudaWCCI2012 |
{{cite |
  authors = J. Brest,  A. Zamuda, I. Fister, B. Bošković, M. S. Maučec |
  title = Constrained real-parameter optimization using a differential evolution algorithm |
  url = |
  journal =  IEEE SSCI2011 symposium series on computational intelligence |
  year = 2011 |
  pages = 9 -16|
  volume = ?? |
  issue = ??  |
  citetype = InProceedings |
  name = BrestSSCI2011 |
=== Nacionalne objave ===

Trenutna redakcija s časom 09:30, 4. julij 2017

Mednarodne objave