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apihelp-query+recentchanges-param-toponly (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Only list changes which are the latest revision.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-param-type (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Which types of changes to show.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-param-user (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Only list changes by this user.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-comment (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the comment for the edit.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-flags (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds flags for the edit.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-ids (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the page ID, recent changes ID and the new and old revision ID.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-loginfo (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds log information (log ID, log type, etc) to log entries.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-parsedcomment (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the parsed comment for the edit.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-patrolled (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Tags patrollable edits as being patrolled or unpatrolled.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-redirect (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Tags edit if page is a redirect.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-sha1 (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the content checksum for entries associated with a revision.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-sizes (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the new and old page length in bytes.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-tags (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Lists tags for the entry.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds timestamp of the edit.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-title (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the page title of the edit.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-user (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the user responsible for the edit and tags if they are an IP.
apihelp-query+recentchanges-paramvalue-prop-userid (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Adds the user ID responsible for the edit.
apihelp-query+redirects-description (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Returns all redirects to the given pages.
apihelp-query+redirects-example-generator (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Get information about all redirects to the [[Main Page]].
apihelp-query+redirects-example-simple (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Get a list of redirects to the [[Main Page]].
apihelp-query+redirects-param-limit (Pogovor) (Prevedi) How many redirects to return.
apihelp-query+redirects-param-namespace (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Only include pages in these namespaces.
apihelp-query+redirects-param-prop (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Which properties to get:
apihelp-query+redirects-param-show (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Show only items that meet these criteria: ;fragment:Only show redirects with a fragment. ;!fragment:Only show redirects without a fragment.
apihelp-query+redirects-paramvalue-prop-fragment (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Fragment of each redirect, if any.
apihelp-query+redirects-paramvalue-prop-pageid (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Page ID of each redirect.
apihelp-query+redirects-paramvalue-prop-title (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Title of each redirect.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-contentformat (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Serialization format used for <var>$1difftotext</var> and expected for output of content.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-diffto (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Revision ID to diff each revision to. Use <kbd>prev</kbd>, <kbd>next</kbd> and <kbd>cur</kbd> for the previous, next and current revision respectively.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-difftotext (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Text to diff each revision to. Only diffs a limited number of revisions. Overrides <var>$1diffto</var>. If <var>$1section</var> is set, only that section will be diffed against this text.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-difftotextpst (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Perform a pre-save transform on the text before diffing it. Only valid when used with <var>$1difftotext</var>.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-expandtemplates (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Expand templates in revision content (requires $1prop=content).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-generatexml (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Generate XML parse tree for revision content (requires $1prop=content; replaced by <kbd>$1prop=parsetree</kbd>).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-limit (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Limit how many revisions will be returned.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-parse (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Parse revision content (requires $1prop=content). For performance reasons, if this option is used, $1limit is enforced to 1.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-prop (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Which properties to get for each revision:
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-section (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Only retrieve the content of this section number.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-comment (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Comment by the user for the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-content (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Text of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-contentmodel (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Content model ID of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-flags (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Revision flags (minor).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-ids (Pogovor) (Prevedi) The ID of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-parsedcomment (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Parsed comment by the user for the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-parsetree (Pogovor) (Prevedi) The XML parse tree of revision content (requires content model <code>$1</code>).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-sha1 (Pogovor) (Prevedi) SHA-1 (base 16) of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-size (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Length (bytes) of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-tags (Pogovor) (Prevedi) Tags for the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (Pogovor) (Prevedi) The timestamp of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-user (Pogovor) (Prevedi) User that made the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-userid (Pogovor) (Prevedi) User ID of the revision creator.
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