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Conference IEEE CEC2007

Revision as of 12:02, 8 October 2007 by Ales (talk | contribs)

Conference: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.

Place: Singapore, Singapore, Asia.

Date: 25. sep - 29. sep 2007.


(pdf) A. Zamuda, J. Brest, B. Bošković, V. Žumer. Differential Evolution for Multiobjective Optimization with Self Adaptation. 2007 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2007, pp. 3617-3624.

The conference is the main event at the research field of evolutionary computation. The conference is supported by the IEEE and the Computational Intelligence Society. The latter society also is in charge of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation journal.

Aleš Zamuda, Janez Brest, and Borko Bošković were Program Committee.html International Program Committee members and were also writing revisions for some sent papers. Total number of accepted papers was 653.

Our paper was accepted in the Special Section on Performance Assessment of Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms (Competition webite), v sklopu katere se je izvedlo tudi tekmovanje izbranih algoritmov. V tekmovanje se je skupaj z našim člankom na podlagi zadostne kvalitete uvrstilo 8 člankov. Izmed teh je bil naš algoritem ocenjen kot najboljši izmed samoprilagodljivih algoritmov z diferencialno evolucijo. Globalno se je uvrstil takoj za zmagovalcema (dva sta delila 1. mesto), na 3. mesto v konkurenci algoritmov v celotni skupini.
