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VIPSI-2006 Slovenia

Konferenca: VIP Symposia on Internet related research with elements of M+I+T++ (Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary Research)

Kraj: Bled

Datum: 30. nov - 3. dec 2006

Prispevek: A. Zamuda, J. Brest, N. Guid, and V. Žumer. Construction of Virtual Trees within Ecosystems with EcoMod Tool. IPSI-2006 Slovenia Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems, and Interdisciplinary Research, 2006.

Konferenca je namenjena področjem e-učenja, e-znanosti in e-poslovanja, s poudarkom na povezovanju z drugimi znanostmi.

Zanimivi prispevki so bili: $100 računalnik, superračunalnik v Barceloni, WEB 3.0,
