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Difference between revisions of "Bibliography:2014"

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===National publications===
{{cite |
  authors = A. Zamuda |
  title =  Diferencialna evolucija in velikost genotipa proceduralnih modelov dreves |
  url= |
  journal = AVN - Algoritmi po vzorih iz narave, Ljubljana |
  year = 2014 |
  pages=?? |
  citetype = InProceedings |
  name = ZamudaAVN2014-DEinVelikostGenotipaProceduralnihModelovDreves

Revision as of 15:58, 13 December 2017

International publications

(pdf) A. Zamuda, J. Brest. Vectorized Procedural Models for Animated Trees Reconstruction using Differential Evolution. Information Sciences, 2014, vol. 278, pp. 1-21. DOI 10.1016/j.ins.2014.04.037.


(pdf) A. Zamuda, J. D. Hernández Sosa. Differential Evolution and Underwater Glider Path Planning Applied to the Short-Term Opportunistic Sampling of Dynamic Mesoscale Ocean Structures. Applied Soft Computing, November 2014, vol. 24, pp. 95–108. DOI 10.1016/j.asoc.2014.06.048.

Zamuda-DE UGPP img150.png

(pdf) U. Mlakar, J. Brest, A. Zamuda. Differential Evolution for Self-adaptive Triangular Brushstrokes. Student Workshop on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications - BIOMA 2014, 13 September 2014, Ljubljana. ŠILC, Jurij (ur.), ZAMUDA, Aleš (ur.). Bioinspired optimization methods and their applications: proceedings of the Student Workshop on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications - BIOMA 2014, 13 September 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2014, pp. 105-116.


National publications

(pdf) A. Zamuda. Diferencialna evolucija in velikost genotipa proceduralnih modelov dreves. AVN - Algoritmi po vzorih iz narave, Ljubljana, 2014, pp. ??.