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Bibliografija:2017: Razlika med redakcijama

(4 vmesne redakcije 2 uporabnikov niso prikazane)
Vrstica 1: Vrstica 1:
=== Mednarodne objave ==={{B:m}}
=== Mednarodne objave ==={{B:m}}
<table><tr><td colspan="2">
<table><tr><td colspan="2">
{{cite |  
{{cite |  
Vrstica 46: Vrstica 47:
   citetype = Article |
   citetype = Article |
{{CiteInPage |
{{cite |
  title= Stability selection using a genetic algorithm and logistic linear regression on healthcare records |
  authors= A. Zamuda, C. Zarges, G. Stiglic, G. Hrovat |
  journal= Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO 2017) |
  volume= ?? |
  pages=  143-144 |
  year= 2017 |
  citetype = InProceedings |
  url = |
  name= Zamuda2017-GECCO2017stabilitySelectionGA}}
Vrstica 57: Vrstica 71:
   year= 2017 |
   year= 2017 |
   citetype = InProceedings |
   citetype = InProceedings |
   url = |
   url = |
   name= boskovic2017clustering}}
   name= boskovic2017clustering}}
Vrstica 98: Vrstica 112:
   url = |
   url = |
   name= boskovic2017jso}}
   name= boskovic2017jso}}
{{CiteInPage |
{{cite |
  title= Distance based parameter adaptation for differential evolution |
  authors= A. Viktorin, R. Senkerik, M. Pluhacek, T. Kadavy, A. Zamuda |
  journal= 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) |
  volume= ?? |
  pages=  ?? |
  year= 2017 |
  citetype = InProceedings |
  url = |
  name= Zamuda2017-SSCI2017distanceDE}}
Vrstica 124: Vrstica 151:
   url = |
   url = |
   name= Zamuda2017-IMOPADS-PKP3}}
   name= Zamuda2017-IMOPADS-PKP3}}
{{cite |
  title=  Insight into Parameter Control During Evolution |
  authors=  A. Zamuda |
  journal=  AVN - Algoritmi po vzorih iz narave, Ljubljana |
  volume= ?? |
  pages= ?? |
  year= 2017 |
  citetype = Report |
  url = |
  name= Zamuda2017-AVN-InsightPcDuringEvolution}}

Trenutna redakcija s časom 07:11, 10. maj 2018

Mednarodne objave

(arXiv,pdf) B. Bošković, F. Brglez, J. Brest. Low-Autocorrelation Binary Sequences: On Improved Merit Factors and Runtime Predictions to Achieve Them. Applied Soft Computing, 2017, letn. 56, str. 262–285. DOI 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.02.024.


(pdf) M. Sepesy Maučec, J. Brest. Slavic languages in phrase-based statistical machine translation: a survey. Artificial intelligence review, 2017, str. 1--41.

(pdf) U. Mlakar, M. Zorman, I. Fister Jr. I. Fister. Modified binary cuckoo search for association rule mining. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2017, letn. 32, št. 6, str. 4319-4330.

(pdf) A. Zamuda, C. Zarges, G. Stiglic, G. Hrovat. Stability selection using a genetic algorithm and logistic linear regression on healthcare records. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO 2017), 2017, str. 143-144.

(pdf) B. Boškovič, J. Brest. Clustering and differential evolution for multimodal optimization. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2017, str. 698--705.

(pdf) F. Brglez, B. Bošković, J. Brest. On asymptotic complexity of the optimum golomb ruler problem : from established stochastic methods to self-avoiding walks. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2017, str. 1000--1007.

(pdf) A. Zamuda. Adaptive Constraint Handling and Success History Differential Evolution for CEC 2017 Constrained Real-Parameter Optimization. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2017, str. 2443--2450.

(pdf) J. Brest, M. Sepesy Maučec, B. Bošković. Single objective real-parameter optimization : algorithm jSO. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2017, str. 1311--1318.

(pdf) A. Viktorin, R. Senkerik, M. Pluhacek, T. Kadavy, A. Zamuda. Distance based parameter adaptation for differential evolution. 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2017, str. ??.

(pdf) I. Fister Jr., D. Fister, S. Deb, U. Mlakar, J. Brest, I. Fister. Making up for the deficit in a marathon run. Conference ISMSI '17 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence, 2017, str. 11--15.

Nacionalne objave

(pdf) A. Zamuda. Interaktivni multimedijski oglasni panoji - Adin DS : nadgradnja transformacijskega strežnika, gradnikov prikaza in trženja. Končno poročilo o doseženih ciljih : projekt Po kreativni poti do praktičnega znanja v okviru OP za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014-2020 kot neposredna potrditev operacije "Odprt, odziven in kakovosten sistem visokega šolstva - Projektno delo z gospodarstvom in negospodarstvom v lokalnem in regionalnem okolju - Po kreativni poti do znanja 2016-2020. Maribor: Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, 2017, str. 1--29.

(pdf) A. Zamuda. Insight into Parameter Control During Evolution. AVN - Algoritmi po vzorih iz narave, Ljubljana, 2017, str. ??.