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Dogodki: Razlika med redakcijama

Vrstica 1: Vrstica 1:
== Prihodnji dogodki ==
== Prihodnji dogodki ==
*[[Zagovor doktorske disertacije, mag. Aleš Zamuda]], 15. maj 2012 ob 11:00, senatna soba G2
*[ IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012)]
*[ IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012)]
**10.-15. junij 2012, [ Brisbane, Avstralija]
**10.-15. junij 2012, [ Brisbane, Avstralija]
Vrstica 14: Vrstica 13:
== 2012 - Minuli dogodki ==
== 2012 - Minuli dogodki ==
*[[Zagovor doktorske disertacije, mag. Aleš Zamuda]], 15. maj 2012 ob 11:00, senatna soba G2
*[ Predavanje na ULPGC ERASMUS TS Mobility 2012]
*[ Predavanje na ULPGC ERASMUS TS Mobility 2012]
**predstavitev A. Zamuda: "Heterogeneous Computer Systems in the View of Ubiquitous Computing and Connectible Intelligent Services"
**predstavitev A. Zamuda: "Heterogeneous Computer Systems in the View of Ubiquitous Computing and Connectible Intelligent Services"

Redakcija: 09:11, 16. maj 2012

Prihodnji dogodki

2012 - Minuli dogodki