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Dogodki: Razlika med redakcijama

Vrstica 5: Vrstica 5:
** kraj in datum: [ Danube University Krems], Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems/Donau, 9.-10. november 2016
** kraj in datum: [ Danube University Krems], Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems/Donau, 9.-10. november 2016
** za nagrado [ Danubius Young Scientist Award] za Slovenijo izbran [[Aleš Zamuda]]
** za nagrado [ Danubius Young Scientist Award] za Slovenijo izbran [[Aleš Zamuda]]
*[ Evolutionary Optimization and Robotics Intelligence] (Research Topic), [ Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Computational Intelligence]
**urednika teme: [[Aleš Zamuda]], Daniel Hernandez
**rok oddaje: 15. september 2016
*[ Symposium of Differential Evolution (SDE)], 6.-9. december 2016, Atene, Grčija
*[ Symposium of Differential Evolution (SDE)], 6.-9. december 2016, Atene, Grčija
**3 sprejeti članki
**3 sprejeti članki
*[ MeSoDiSy 2016], [ Gent], [ Belgija], 13.-14. oktober 2016
==2016 - letošnji dogodki==
*[ ImAppNIO COST Action MC meeting], Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 17.-18. oktober 2016
*[ ImAppNIO COST Action MC meeting], Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 17.-18. oktober 2016
**[[Aleš Zamuda]] se udeleži sestanka delovnih skupin kot [ Management Committee]
**[[Aleš Zamuda]] se udeleži sestanka delovnih skupin kot [ Management Committee]
*[ MeSoDiSy 2016], [ Gent], [ Belgija], 13.-14. oktober 2016
==2016 - letošnji dogodki==
*[[Predavanje na UTB ERASMUS TS Mobility 2016]]
**[ Tomas Bata University in Zlín] - [[Aleš Zamuda]] Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Lecture, 19. - 23. september 2016
**Predavanje: "Differential Evolution and Complexities in Understanding Large-Scale Collective Intelligence: from Underwater robotics, Energetics, Ecosystem simulation, and Tree design, to Socio-Technical hybrids, with Big Data, Remote sensing, Cloud computing, Computer vision, and Computer animation"
*[[WCCI 2016 | IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI) 2016]], 25.-29. julij 2016, [ Vancouver], [ Kanada]
*[[WCCI 2016 | IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI) 2016]], 25.-29. julij 2016, [ Vancouver], [ Kanada]
**vključuje IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
**vključuje IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)

Redakcija: 14:56, 24. oktober 2016

Prihodnji dogodki

2016 - letošnji dogodki